Sunday, October 16, 2011

i've had worse crashes

haha yup, that sounds about right, i hit the concrete pretty good though, got a bit on my shoulders, but i've had worse crashes, just without stitches. Got a busy week ahead, going to go shadow a doctor tomorrow, and i've got a test on friday. I was considering doing this cyclocross race next saturday / sunday in north liberty, but we'll see how im feeling by then, if im ready to race, i'd like to do at least one or two races before jingle cross.
hope all is well at home,


Your crash picture looked pretty nasty (mom saved a still from your skype talk) - It looks like you had a crash similar to the one I had at your marathon - except I landed in soft mud and you hit gravel. I'm glad your injuries weren't worse - I'm sure mom gave you good advice on how to treat the wounds.
See you soon -
